Trending Use Cases
From macro corporate objectives to targeted improvements. Here are some of the top reasons why clients are working with Wintec.
Supply Chain Resiliency
Volatile and unpredictable influences on global supply chains have brought this to the forefront.
Resource Optimization
Expertise, Cost, Speed, are all factors in deciding to build or buy.
Financial Performance
Opportunity to transform inventory as a liability into an asset.

Our relationships with a wide network of technology component manufacturers help programs integrate quickly without interruption.

Completely flexibility. Use existing warehouse footprint or expand to other geographies. Our solutions can quickly enable a global presence.

EMS Providers
A key link in many technology supply chains. Our programs are designed to partner rather than compete. Often creating wins for not only our client but for other links in the supply chain.

Whether utilizing client, Wintec, or 3rd party capital, our approach is to provide complete transparency, options, and the most competitive rates.

Enhancing supply chain continuity and enabling lower costs of product are always key program objectives. Whether the OEM is our direct client or ultimate customer of our partners the program objectives are always aligned with the OEM.

Entering new geographies or need local support? Our partnerships with local freight forwarders and logistics carriers enable an efficient and cost-effective rollout of new programs.
how it works
Our approach
Wintec’s solutions are customized for the needs of our clients supply chain requirements. We provide a range of solutions from fully serviced to integrated services with existing supply chain resources. Our industry experienced solution designers help our clients evaluate, navigate, and design a program that works with all entities of the supply chain.
Supply Chain Consultation
We get deep into understanding the unique needs of your supply chain and challenges. We leverage our years of technology industry experience, best practices, and partnerships to recommend a customized program design .
Financing Design
Need financing or have your own capital? Need special terms. We have a solution for short-term or long-term requirements at competitive rates.
Physical Flow
Securing inventory allocation, Just-In-Time availability, and efficient transport is the key. From integrating an existing warehouse or deploying a network of global locations, short term or long term, the physical footprint can be highly configurable.
Operating Resources
We provide recommendations on how to best design product and communication flows. Our sales operations teams and IT resources can help get a new program jumpstarted.
Customize Services into a Complete Supply Chain Solution
Title Solutions
Temporary or Long-term solutions support you and your partners to with allocation security, inventory lifecycle management, strategic inventory buffers, and working capital management.
Trade & Structured Finance
Wintec’s Trade and Structured Finance solutions significantly improve cash flow and accelerate receivables to lower the cost of financing.
Demand Aggregation
Highest and best use – Let us handle the high touch tasks of consolidating demand, raw forecasts, backlog and apply your rules-based logic requirements to provide accurate visibility of demand.
Planning and Procurement
Operating as an extension or stand-alone unit of your existing support staff. Maintain control through business rules and approvals at key checkpoints.
Customer Service
Let us handle the last mile - high touch, repetitive, standardized processes. Order entry, Rescheduling, Shipping and Logistics Management, and Communication.
Analytics and Reporting
Not seeing all the critical data? Insert us into strategic positions to capture and provide valuable data and insights critical to supply chain decision making.
B2B Integration
Go Live Faster! Let Wintec’s service dedicated B2B IT teams who are experts in EDI and AS2 B2B integration projects help you go launch projects faster.
Warehousing and Logistics
Need to stand up a Warehouse in an unfamiliar region? And do it fast? Wintec’s established in-house or industry leading 3rd party logistics partners can offer the safest, most flexible, and cost-effective warehousing solutions.
Global Presence
Our operations footprint continues to grow. Today we are present in the prominent technology regions of North America, Europe and Asia
Let's get started!
Take the first step and contact us directly and let’s discuss further how Wintec can help you build a more resilient supply chain.